Fast Speech 3 | Speak Like & Understand Native English Speakers


hey what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

in this video I'm gonna share more examples of fast speech so I've already

made two videos on this topic and you guys love them you requested more so

here we go but first before I actually share this list of examples with you I

want to reply to a few comments that I was getting on the other videos

basically a lot of people were like oh my gosh this isn't English this is crazy

Americans are butchering the English language and to that I just have to say

that people use connected speech and fast speech all around the world in

every language I am simply the messenger I am

explaining how this is used in American English but this happens again in every

single language okay so it's not that Americans are butchering the English

language it is that languages evolve okay and the written system of English

does not accurately reflect how English is spoken remember language existed

spoken language okay spoken language existed long before any written forms of

language now a written form of a language is just a poor attempt to allow

people to communicate via scratches and marks on a piece of paper okay we're

just trying to get information across but the language itself right what came

first the spoken language okay so the way English is written the way you read

it is not accurate when it comes to how the language is actually used by native

English speakers so with that let's get into our examples

it's gonna be a good day today because we are talking about fast speech it's

gonna be a good day it's gonna be a good day so do I talk like this all the time

no I don't but sometimes I do like when I'm with my sisters and I'm having fun

and they're like hey you know are you excited for whatever and I'm gonna be

like yeah it's gonna be a good day yeah basically it's gonna be is it is going to

be it's gonna be it's gonna be next let's say my car broke down and then my

dad fixed it and so then after he fixes my car what is he gonna say

all right Stef I fixed her up for you she's good as new

I fixed her up fixed her up for you I fixed her up for you she's good as new

now good as new is actually good as new

that's how we would write it if she is good as new but when we say it as it

gets reduced and it becomes is she's good as new and why we refer to

automobiles as something female I don't know but that's what a lot of people do

so I fixed her up for you she's good as new

next I could not have passed that test without your help I could not have

passed that test without your help so this is I could not have passed that

test without your help okay but look how I condensed all of that I could not have

pass my test right and it might sound crazy but once you learn how to speak

like this you'll realize that it helps you speak a lot faster and it helps you

sound more like a native speaker I could not have passed that test not have not have

right I could not have passed that test I could not have the word have in

English gets reduced it's almost like non-existent sometimes it is there but

usually it might be like an a sound like I could not have passed that test that's

I could not have okay next let's say I go grocery shopping and then I come home

with a bunch of groceries and I ask hey is there enough room in the fridge for

all of this is there enough room in the fridge for all of this

is there enough okay it's not is there it's is there is there enough room is

there enough room in the fridge for all of this is there enough room in the

fridge for all of this all of this all of this all of this okay is there enough

room in the fridge for all of this next the other day Ren and I were gonna

drive somewhere and I looked at him and I was like wait you remember how to get

there right you remember how to get there right

so that's do you remember how to get there or you remember how to get there

right or how to get they're right see I'm reducing and I

don't even realize I'm reducing so you remember how to get there right you

remember how to get there right you remember how to get there right do you

remember how to get there next where have you been where have you been this

is where have you been but we contract where have and it

becomes where've where've where have you been where have you been

next that's mean you shouldn't have said that that's mean you shouldn't have

said that shouldn't have shouldn't have said that

you should not have said that you shouldn't have shouldn't have you

shouldn't have said that you shouldn't have done that she shouldn't have gone

there shouldn't have shouldn't have okay this is shouldn't have what's that mean

what's that mean that is what does that mean what does

that mean what's that mean next where'd he go where'd he go I can't

find him where'd he go where did he go where'd he go where'd he where'd he go

why'd he do that why did he do that why'd he do that I don't know why do you

why do you do that or why'd you do that why'd you why'd you why'd you do that

next imma imma is I'm going to I'm gonna go to the bathroom real fast and then

we'll go that is what I say every time my husband asks hey Stefanie are you

ready let's go I'm like yeah wait I'm gonna go to the bathroom real fast and

then we'll go and then he's like real fast like take your time it doesn't have

to be fast anyways I'm gonna go to the bathroom okay and then we'll go and then

we'll go and then we'll go is we will we'll and when isolated this words and say them

you know alone it doesn't sound right because I never say we'll by itself

I only say it in the context of the sentence and then we'll go and then

we'll go but if you ask me hey Stefanie how do you pronounce this word I'll say

oh that's we'll that's we'll but ask me if I ever say we'll no I say we'll and

native speakers don't even realize that they make these

Auctions when they speak okay they don't even realize it

actually I get a lot of comments on these videos from native English

speakers saying wow I really like this video series I didn't realize we talked

like this so yeah okay we don't even realize that we do it next mm-hm

what is that that's I don't know right I don't know I don't know okay there are many

ways that we can say this and depending on how lazy I feel or I mean the word

isn't lazy but we can communicate without always saying all the words so

if my sister goes you know hey you know where's mom I'll be like oh I don't know or

I don't know okay next let's say my phone bill is due on Friday and Ren says hey

Stef the phone bill is due on Friday and I say oh I need to do that before I

forget I need to do that before I forget it doesn't say I'm good when I say it like

this but basically when I speak quickly I say I needa

this is need to I need to do that before I forget okay so before I'm taking off

the book and I'm just saying before I forget you should do that for you

forget you should really do that before you forget next might as well

might as well do that now I mean we're here now I might as well right might as

well this is might as well we might as well do it now since we're here might as

well might as well I mean you might as well do it now right you're here might

as well the price went up again the price went up went up instead of went up

it's went up the price went up again went up so there's actually no T sound

there next I heard this one a few months ago there was a couple walking downhill

while I was walking uphill and the man said to the woman yep going downhill is

always easier n going uphill okay so going downhill is going downhill is

always easier and going uphill going uphill right than going uphill so that

than especially when we're making comparisons often gets reduced to a nnn

sound that's it right always easier n easier n going uphill easier n going

uphill next let's say I'm at party with my sister and she sees me

taking pictures and she goes oh good you're taking pictures can you send'em

to me later can you send'em to me later can you

send them to me send them to me later okay

can you send them to me later can you send them to me later send him

to me that one's a bit tricky next who'd have thought it'd be so hard right

learning English fast speech connected speech who'd have thought it'd be so

hard who'd have thought this is who would

have thought it would be so hard okay who'd have thought it'd be so hard who

would have thought next sorry about that let's say I accidentally step on your toes or

something oops sorry about that sorry about that okay I'm not saying sorry

about that I'm saying sorry about that sorry about that next she said she'll do

the dishes right you cook dinner so she said she'll do the dishes she said

she'll do the dishes this is she said she will do the dishes

you cook dinner so she said she'll do the dishes she'll do she'll do she'll do

next is this her house is this her house let's say I'm driving

and I'm looking for my friend's house it's a new house she just moved okay and

I'm looking and I'm driving and then I point to one and I go hey wait

is this her house is this her house so when I say is this okay I'm actually not

putting my tongue between my teeth for the th I'm not saying is this her house

because that is awkward and it feels weird so I'm just saying is this our

house is this our house is this our house so for that th okay we're not

doing a for this this I'm saying is this is this it's like a Z sound is this your

house is this our house okay last one I'm trying to make this video and I keep

messing up okay I'm trying to make trying to make this is I am trying to

make I'm trying to make this video and I keep messing up which is true but I'm

gonna edit all the mess ups out or I'll try but tryna okay he's trying to do it

but he can't I'm trying to do this but I can't tryna okay so those are all the

exam fools that I have for you today for

those of you who want to learn how to speak more like this to sound more

natural more native-like etc my tip is to just listen to how people speak

English and imitate it let your brain absorb the patterns on its own if you

try to write down all of these sentences and cross things out and see what's

eliminated and what's not and find these patterns you know if you're looking for

it like that I don't think you'll be as successful as just listening listening

listening and repeating what you hear as you hear it because your brain is very

smart it can absorb these patterns naturally and when you're speaking

especially fast speech you're not gonna have time to sit there and be like you

know which sound am I supposed to eliminate here which letter am I

supposed to not say you don't have time for that so just listen and absorb the

language and let your brain do the hard work I promise it's very very smart

alright so that is it if you want a guide on practicing your English with

native speakers meeting native English speakers online interacting with us so

you can practice your English improve your English learn new vocabulary build

your confidence etc I have a guide on my website I'm going to link it here in the

description I always share this guide because it is literally the most popular

one on my entire website that's it you guys have a

great day and I will see you in the next video bye